Τρίτη, 22 Οκτωβρίου 2024
trikaladay.gr / Άρθρα / It’s the journey that matters

It’s the journey that matters

It’s not the destination that matters but the journey itself. No matter the destination, whether it’s
Ithaca, the famous poem or Odyssea’s homeland, or Santorini to Naxos trip, the experience
prior to the arrival is the essence of a journey.
Keep Ithaka always in your mind.
Arriving there is what you’re destined for.
But don’t hurry the journey at all.

This metaphor of Ithaka as the place to regain something we’ve lost or get in touch with the
source of origin represents the cycle of life. The attempts to reach a goal are the ones that lead to
the evolution of one’s personality.
When it comes to actual journeys, this pre-festive part of the trip refers to the anticipation we
experience while preparing for our voyage. Numerous studies indicate that the satisfaction
derived from the anticipation of something enjoyable is larger than the joy from the journey
itself. People have the tendency to idealize the future, especially when the present doesn’t seem
ideal. In terms of vacation, the ideal scenery to enjoy a majestic sunset isn’t crowded, and the
beach is crystal clear. Additionally, when projecting the forthcoming holidays, one tends to
reproduce in one’s mind the perfect version of them. Undoubtedly, one should live in the present,
for this is the only one that surely exists. But daydreaming of better days to come can get one
through tough times.
Santorini to Paros Ferry: A trip through centuries
Before going to the Cyclades, one usually dreams of exotic seas and sunny beaches. That
motivates most travelers to book their tickets for Santorini to Paros ferry. A little search before
departure can increase anticipation. Thousands of years of history have shaped the islands and
formed the residents’ culture and mentality. The monumental effect of the Aegean Sea, sun, air,
and a volcanic explosion, have created sharp rocks on which people found their way to survive.
Monuments and landscapes of exceptional beauty that have survived over the centuries are an
endless source of inspiration for everyone. Especially in times when one must deal with difficult
These difficulties will help us overcome challenges. Just like the poet suggests.
Laistrygonians, Cyclops,
wild Poseidon—you won’t encounter them
unless you bring them along inside your soul
unless your soul sets them up in front of you.
So many times, we avoid our fears when it is through them that we can overcome any obstacles
and achieve our goals. It is thought that through the constant battle with our own demons, that
evolution is achieved. Instead of treating them as a burden, coming up against them will finally
lead to liberation.
One exciting thing about Greece is that every part of it is a chance to get inspired. Myths offer a
wide variety of ways in which heroes tend to win against their demons and overcome challenges.
The ancient myths from a different perspective
Hopping in Santorini to Naxos ferry will not take you to theatrical plays. For that, you will
have to visit Herodeion or the theater of Epidaurus. One can discover the numerous myths, with

a variety of ethnographic characteristics. Prudence is always rewarded by gods and
acknowledged by humans. Until getting to this point of knowledge one should navigate through
treacherous waters.
After all, it is difficulties that mold one’s true character. Some people have this characteristic
called resilience. It seems like they can face challenges no matter how difficult a situation is. The
good news is this is not something you are born with. It is a quality you cultivate. How is this
done? Simply put, resilient people do not feel adrift but take things into their hands. They
understand that there is no point in crying over spilled milk and that nothing is permanent. This
mentality helps them see that one can influence the outcome. People tend to despair when they
are amidst a challenging experience. Resilient people aren’t carried away by negative thoughts.
They review the current situation, the necessary actions, and their mistakes, and they focus on
the future.
Keeping the eye on the future
Whether it is something pleasant you are planning to do, like hopping on hopping on Santorini
to Ios ferry or coming up against adversities, resilient people keep their eyes on the future. By
doing so, one can recall similar difficult situations experienced in the past and how he overcame
the obstacles. This way a resilient person is no longer intimidated by changes. And this is the
winner's attitude.

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